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Discover the answers to some frequently asked questions.

What is spinal cord stimulation?
Spinal cord stimulation, also called neurostimulation or neuromodulation, is a medical therapy that sends electrical signals to select areas of the spinal cord. There are multiple applications, depending on the targeted use, which include relief of chronic pain and restoring function and movement after paralysis (which is currently not available for commercial use).
What is spinal cord injury?
Spinal cord injury, or SCI, is a devastating condition that affects millions of people worldwide, leading to partial or complete loss of motor and sensory functions.
What is ARC Therapy?
ARC Therapy is designed to deliver targeted, programmed stimulation of the spinal cord to restore movement and other functions in people with spinal cord injury.
What is the evidence behind ARC Therapy?
The benefits of ONWARD ARC Therapy have been observed in published pre-clinical and human feasibility studies. A human pivotal clinical study has been completed, called Up-LIFT, designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of our investigational ARCEX Therapy to improve upper limb mobility. Learn more about it on the External ARCEX page. Clinical results may vary.
What is the evidence behind ARCEX Therapy?
Positive results of the Up-LIFT pivotal trial were published in Nature Medicine in May of 2024. Visit the External ARCEX page to learn more. Clinical results may vary.
How does ARCEX work?
Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation excites the spinal cord so that signals weakened or interrupted by a spinal cord injury (SCI) are able to drive movement. That movement enables rehabilitation that results in improvement in hand strength and sensation.
How is ARCEX Therapy different than other therapies that address mobility and function for people with spinal cord injuries?
The ARCEX System offers several important advantages over other electrical stimulation therapies currently available:
• SCI specific: designed for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), with the Up-LIFT study confirming safety and effectiveness in this population
• Convenient setup: a quick and easy setup with just four electrodes, allowing full freedom of motion to interact with objects and perform tasks while training
• Volitionally driven: stimulation excites the spinal cord so that signals from the brain to the body weakened or interrupted by an SCI can produce voluntary movement
• Muscle engagement: stimulating the spinal cord activates multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leveraging natural muscle recruitment for fine motor control and reduced fatigue
• Persisting benefits: lasting improvements in strength and sensation (measured with stimulation off)
What is the indicated use for ARCEX?
The ARCEX System is intended to deliver programmed, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation in conjunction with functional task practice in the clinic to improve hand sensation and strength in individuals between 18 and 75 years old that present with a chronic, non-progressive neurological deficit resulting from an incomplete spinal cord injury (C2-C8 inclusive).
What is Functional Task Practice?
Functional task practice is considered the standard of care for rehabilitation during the chronic SCI phase and includes the practice of customizable tasks as defined by the clinician and based on each patient’s individual goals.
What are the contraindications for use for ARCEX?
The ARCEX System should not be used on patients with cardiac demand pacemakers. Please refer to the Instructions for Use for a complete list of warnings and cautions.
How can I get access to ARCEX Therapy?
We will begin a limited release of the system in select rehabilitation centers starting in January 2025, with nationwide availability anticipated by April 2025. This phased approach is intended to ensure a safe and seamless integration of the new ARCEX System into daily clinical practice.
How do I find a rehabilitation center that has ARCEX available?
Complete the webform on our Contact page to receive more information about the rehabilitation centers where ARCEX is currently available in your area. Please register for regular updates to continue receiving the latest information.
Can ARCEX be used at home?
The ARCEX System is authorized for professional use within clinics. We plan to apply for a label extension to include home use in the coming months and expect to receive FDA clearance in 2025.
Can ARCEX be used for other indications?
Use of the ARCEX System is limited to the indications detailed in the Instructions for Use document.

ONWARD continues to explore and evaluate the ability for ARCEX to improve other functions in people with SCI in current and future clinical studies.
What is ARCIM?
ARCIM is an investigational spinal cord stimulation system, which includes an implantable Neurostimulator that generates electrical pulses that are programmed to target areas of injury on the spinal cord. The system is designed to improve functional recovery of strength, function, and movement after spinal cord injury.
The ONWARD® Medical ARCEX® System is cleared for use only in the United States. ONWARD ARCIM® and ARCBCI™, alone or in combination with a brain-computer interface (BCI), are investigational and not available for commercial use.

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